Tuesday 16 March 2010

The Phone That Never Rang

Ever sat waiting for the phone to ring? The door to be knocked on? Frustrating isn't it? No one likes their fate to be determined by others.

So why let it?

You're going to tell me that you can't do anything. Not so! What you mean is that you cannot achieve a desired objective if the phone doesn't ring. That may well be so. However your objective is only one of an infinity of possible objectives within an infinity of circumstances.

Destiny is like shares - your experience can go up as well as down! Ups and downs are of course a part of life. The experience we call life is a myriad of opposites: good and bad, rich and impoverished, boring and interesting, sad and happy. Now my point is this:

Let us assume for the sake of argument that your life contains 50% good bits and 50% "bad" bits, which really means "bits that were not wanted". If your life is all about the good bits, does that not mean you only get half a life, the other half being worthless? Wouldn't it be better if the "bad" half was also rich and fertile in blessing? Would that not add up to a whole lifetime of blessing as opposed to half a lifetime?

Now let's return to that phone. It's not rung, and the door wasn't knocked. Looks like you're not going to the ball. What are you going to do? Sit and cry all evening? Slash your wrists? Get angry and bitter? There are plenty of folks who would do one or all of these. But maybe there's an alternative.

You have been catapaulted by destiny into a new reality, that doesn't have the ball in it. Just imagine for a moment that you never even KNEW about the ball, that there never WAS a ball. Now look around you. Don't seem so bad now? The reality is that there is no real difference between the reality of a world with no ball and the one where the ball is there but out of reach. The difference is only what your mind is focused on. In a world with no ball, you'd just make plans with what was there. Why not do the same in the world where what you thought you were going to get didn't materialise?

Let's get to the punchline here. Right now, where you are, if you are not in physical pain, cold, thirsty or starving, you are no better or worse than anybody. Simply close your eyes and notice what you can sense. It is exactly the same as the richest of the rich. Your sense of worth and accomplishment comes from making a difference where you are. If you are in major league or minor league, your joy comes from accomplishing something from what you have where you are. If you drop from the major league to the minor league, this principle does not change.

It's great to be able to carve out a new reality for yourself - by all means go for it if you can, but you may find yourself in a reality you were knda hopin' wouldn't be the case. If that's you, try this: assume there never was a ball - it was a dream you have just woken from. If it was a dream, you would say "Oh it was a dream. Shame, I was enjoying that. Now, what have I got to do today?"

The whole point of your life experience is just that - to experience life. It isn't about winning and losing, that was always a dreadful lie. It's about making a difference, the joy of creating and changing. The place and the way you do that was chosen before your birth. Waste time mourning that which isn't there and you might have to repeat the lesson!

I don't want to repeat the lesson - that's kinda boring. The parts of this life experience that I did not choose, (or at least my ego didn't choose) I will carry right on doing that which I'd do in the "good" bits - making a difference.

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